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Evolve Please! cover

Evolve Please!

How Upgrading Your Consciousness
Can Transform the Planet

by Jim Malloy

The Universe is pushing us to evolve -
to upgrade our consciousness.
Much of the discomfort we are now experiencing
is being caused by this upgrade
and our human tendency to resist change.
But you are free to choose -
to go with the powerful stream of evolution or resist it.
If you choose to go with it,
this book will show you how.

Evolve Please!

Kindle: $0.99

"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." ~ Albert Einstein

To truly solve the world's problems, we will have to upgrade our level of consciousness and thinking to a higher state. If enough individuals upgrade, Planet Earth will undergo a quantum transformation from conflict to peace. The more you evolve, the more you contribute to this transformation.

In this book you will learn 17 evolution-accelerators - ancient and contemporary practices for upgrading your consciousness. By making use of any one of them, you will be making a significant difference in this momentous transformation.

What people are saying about this book

• "I think it is brilliant! Great job! It has a very pleasant easy-to-read style and is super concise, yet contains so much valuable information. It is well laid out and organized. The tidbits of history and information about other cultures were very interesting and a nice inclusion." Elayne Angel ~ Author of "The Piercing Bible"

• "I feel better after having read it." Jacques Freydont ~ author of "The Martian Tragedy"

• "A beautiful book filled with wisdom, compassion, and love. It's power lays in distilling the complexity of solving the worlds problems into the simplest, achievable, and most realistic solution. Readers will feel a sense of comfort and empowerment. Evolution is already happening, and here we find guidance in how we as individuals can become aligned with unity and global harmony. This book delivers what its title promises. If each of us does our small bit, we can make the ultimate dream a reality." Karl Jeffery ~ Author of "Get Them Reading"

2012 cover

The Shift Goes On

How to Move Easily through the Evolutionary Shift
and into the New Consciousness

an e-book
by Jim Malloy

Even though December of 2012 has come and gone, "The Shift" goes on. This e-book will provide you with valuable information for recognizing the various effects being caused by the Consciousness Shift - positive and negative - and for understanding and dealing with the powerful cosmic energies that are driving the shift.

Kindle: $0.99


The Shift Goes On

"There's a shift happening in humanity, a shift in consciousness,
happening now because it has to happen now."
~ Eckhart Tolle

The Shift
We are currently going through a monumental shift to a higher state of awareness. Some call it the "New Consciousness," others call it "Enlightenment" or "Ascension." I have been closely observing this consciousness shift for the past 30 years, and have seen how dramatically it is effecting everyone's lives.

Although the New Consciousness will ultimately manifest as a state of greater peace, happiness and harmony on Planet Earth, the transition is a difficult one, comparable to a painful birth.

This book was written as a guide to give you an understanding of how the shift is effecting you, and to provide you with all the info and tools you will need to move more easily through this transition and into the New Consciousness.

R.A. cover
How We Stopped
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Using Natural Healing

A True Story
by Patrick and Barbara Parker

Reading this book, you will discover how Patrick and Barbara Parker - working together - successfully eliminated and reversed the devastating symptoms and effects of Patrick's Rheumatoid Arthritis, by using only natural healing methods.

The book gives a clear account of how the disease progressed over many years, pointing out possible causes. It also describes the four main natural healing methods they used to reverse the progression, finally eliminating it completely.

At the time of writing this book, Patrick has remained
symptom-free for over three years - and counting!

DailyOM course
Meditation for Spiritual Awakening
An online course for facilitating
your journey of awakening

taught by
Jim Malloy

The class consists of 14 user-friendly lessons.
You will receive 1 lesson per week.

Each lesson includes:
• Info focussing on one facet of your awakening process
• Simple action steps for applying the information
• An easy-to-follow guided audio meditation
(approximately 15 minutes)

Now available from DailyOM on a "choose your payment amount" sliding scale.

Meditation for Spiritual Awakening

Awakening to a state of unwavering peace; inner happiness; unconditional love; and freedom from worry, stress and anxiety is the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey. Each individual who awakens spiritually adds to the collective awakening now taking place on our planet. This online course was specially created to facilitate your awakening process.


If you have questions about any of our products, please feel free to contact us via e-mail:

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Jim Malloy


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